Psychological retreat "The pleasure of being in tune with yourself and your body"
A space where a complete psychological reset and self-restoration awaits you.
In a pleasant process, we provide you with an opportunity to:
- - hear yourself and accept yourself
- - regulate your condition and recover qualitatively after stressful or unpleasant situations
- - find channels of resources within yourself and in the outside world
- - understand and realize your true values and priorities
- - establish connections with your body and learn to feel and respond to your body's signals
This wonderful event is suitable for everyone who feels tired from everything that happens in life:
- - who want to become more attentive to themselves and learn to live with a healthy focus on themselves
- - who want to feel harmony in their life and have additional resources for a happy life
- - for anyone who wants to receive more enjoyment out of life every day and easily cope with daily problems
How we will achieve such results:
- - 3 days in a beautiful venue and peaceful surroundings, with complete attention to yourself. While working internally on improving your connection with yourself and your body
The Two Retreat Leaders
Valentyna Bukovska
Will help to restore contact with one's inner world, achieve inner balance and master the skills of emotional regulation in the format of group work
Lidiia Oliiarnyk
choreographer and dance teacher
Will help to restore contact with and listen to your body while learning to recognize signals from our body
Psychological retreat "The power of love" for couples”
A space where you and your loved one can immerse yourself in the power of love and feel the happiness of being in a relationship with each other.
This event is ideal for couples (married, in long term partnership and those who intend to get married) who want to better understand themselves in the context of relationships and understand their partners. This event will be extremely useful for your relationship if you already have questions about building a harmonious relationship or improving it.
If you can already recognize the presence of problems or difficulties in your relationship - then this is the measure that will be the key for you to return to a happy relationship full of love and mutual understanding.
What you will get, as a result of attending this unique event
- - a deep understanding of relationships
- - new understanding of the peculiarities and uniqueness of your relationship
- - you will be able to see and understand the reasons and possible points of discord in your relationship
- - you will spend time in contact with yourself, each other and other couples, whose experience will be invaluable for the development of your relationship
- - gain a better understanding of how to harmonize your relationship - you will be able to understand what is the most difficult for you in a relationship, while finding new ways for your partner to understand it, and how you can both cope with it together.
Through this process you will be able to get to know and understand each other better.
3 days a beautiful venue and peaceful surroundings, delving into the topic of love and the happiness of being in a relationship.
Immersion in the specifics of building strong and happy relationships. Working through negative experiences or psychological traumas that do not provide an opportunity to build happy relationships.
The Two Retreat Leaders
Valentyna Bukovska
Will help to restore contact with one's inner world, achieve inner balance and master the skills of emotional regulation in the format of group work
Lidiia Oliiarnyk
choreographer and dance teacher
Will help to restore contact with and listen to your body while learning to recognize signals from our body
Psychological retreat "The power of love will save the world" for people who seek to create a harmonious relationship
An incredible space where we will fully immerse ourselves in the topic of the power of love and the role of love in our lives.
It is here that each of you will be able to understand and deeply realize - what love means to you, what it means to love to you and what it means to you to be loved.....
It is at this event that we will be able to invite love into our lives and begin to fully use the power of love in our own lives.
This event is suitable for everyone who feels ready and wants to feel the power of love in their life and enjoy it.
This is exactly the place where you need to be if you are ready to love yourself. To build plans for a happy future relationship full of love or to feel even more the power of love in your relationships.
If you want to feel and control the power of love in every part of your life in contact with all the people who dear to you.
3-5 days a beautiful venue and peaceful surroundings, delving into the topic of love and the happiness of being in a relationship.
Immersion in the specifics of building strong and happy relationships. Working through negative experiences or psychological traumas that do not provide an opportunity to build happy relationships.
The Two Retreat Leaders
Valentyna Bukovska
Will help to restore contact with one's inner world, achieve inner balance and master the skills of emotional regulation in the format of group work
Lidiia Oliiarnyk
choreographer and dance teacher
Will help to restore contact with and listen to your body while learning to recognize signals from our body
Individual sessions
How the session goes?
The session lasts 50 minutes during which we focus on a deep understanding of your situation
- - very gently reveal the causes of difficulties
- - and find the inner keys to your happiness
I will help you effectively solve the existing problem and gain inner strength and harmony
Family/couple consultations
How to understand that you need to come to a family session?
- - the conflict is prolonged or repeated
- - sexual relations deteriorated
- - there is aggression or violence in the relationship
- - you are faced with misunderstanding, betrayal, jealousy
- - feel the constant competition
- - there has been a change in social roles
- - difficulties in communication with partner or children
- - no support
- - need preparation and help
- - marriage
- - you are going through trauma or divorce
I can help to
- - renew love, passion, intimacy and understanding of each other
- - establish and restore the atmosphere of harmony and attraction
- - work out personal boundaries and respect the boundaries of the partner
- - to define joint values and plans
- - learn to hear and listen to each other
- - to solve the problems in the upbringing of children
How the session goes?
- - the session lasts 80 minutes
- - we focus on a deep understanding of your situation
- - very gently reveal the causes of difficulties
- - and find the inner keys to your happiness
Group support
Group “Self-Love”
Such a meeting is suitable for absolutely everyone – because self-care is the key to stable mental well-being, a good emotional state and a great mood. The best gift we can give ourselves is to build a harmonious relationship with ourselves, to be aware of and satisfy our needs, and to be our own best friend. Unfortunately, in today’s reality, we often have to compromise with ourselves and make choices in favor of what we need to do at the time (at work, everyday life and many other responsibilities that we take on). Therefore, this group meeting is a place where you completely concentrate on yourself – on your emotions, your body and your thoughts. Just 2 hours of your time will fill you with a sense of self-love and inner harmony
Group for parents
This group meeting is suitable for people with children of all ages. Parenting – a beautiful thing in our lives and we all get a lot of satisfaction, joy and happiness from being a parent, but at times it can be draining and take a lot of our inner resources. That is why such a meeting is offered, where you can get your resources restored and find answers to the questions that concern you. Part of the process is a psycho-educational conversation, where we will better understand the development process of our children and us as parents
Group “Increasing of Psychological Awareness”
This is a place where we will discuss in the format of a “discussion club” the most various psychological processes and phenomena, their impact on our lives and ways to change them in order to improve our well-being about increasing our productivity. For example, how watching the news affects us, or why we want to watch melodramas all the time – how does it help me, what benefits do I get or can get from it and what are the negative consequences of this for my nervous system.
Classic psychological support group
A perfect way to feel much better for anyone who feels lonely, is constantly in a depressed mood or seems that life is monotonous and has lost its color. It is also a great opportunity to recover after experienced stress or difficult life events
Staff support trainings
They are very useful to ensure a positive psychological state of each employee and the team as a whole and make your team more productive. What results can be obtained after training:
- - optimization of relations within the team
- - possibility of a competent way out of conflict situations
- - increasing the efficiency of each employee and team
- - productive workflow
- - developing the ability to work together
- - development of communicative competence and emotional intelligence of participants of the training
- - awareness of a personal mission, formation of a personal strategy for success by team members
- - awareness of factors that reduce personal effectiveness and the ability to resist them
- - individual development program for each employee
- - time management skills to achieve goals: prioritization in business, self-motivation
- - development of the ability to effectively resist negative external influences, mastering stress management techniques
- - development of effective communication skills in a conflict, emotional stress, the ability to build a constructive dialogue to solve problems
- - increasing personal responsibility for the overall result
- - increasing the efficiency of employees in the face of change and uncertainty
- - development of effective teamwork skills
- - strategies for managing your emotions
- - ways to increase and decrease emotional intensity
- - ways not to get involved in emotion and resist provocation
To conduct trainings, the best practices for working with personnel from world experience, psychological techniques and methods that have proven their effectiveness and efficiency are used. Trainings are developed taking into account the characteristics of your team and the actual needs of employees
Body – therapy
A personal dance session. First of all it is an individual approach to your needs and characteristics. For the beginning , we will determine exactly what result you are interested in at the end. We will deside through which style of dance (jazz, funk, Latin, heels) you want to work with your body and, of course, what personal specifics of the body you have. A personal type of load will be chosen for everyone. Therefore, it is important to know what previous experience your body has and what type of load it is ready for.